Overview |
Group |
Quick Info
Windows NT
| Yes
| Win95
| OSR2
| Win32s
| No
| Import Library
| advapi32.lib
| Header File
| wincrypt.h
| Unicode
| WinNT
| Platform Notes
| None
[New - Windows NT]
[New - Windows 95, OEM Service Release 2]
CryptExportKey function is used to export cryptographic keys out of a cryptographic service
provider in a secure manner.
A handle to the key to be exported is passed into the function and the
function returns a key blob to the caller. This key blob can be sent over a nonsecure
transport or stored in a nonsecure storage location. The key blob is useless
until the intended recipient uses the
CryptImportKey function on it, which will then import the key into the recipient's CSP.
DWORD dwBlobType,
DWORD dwFlags,
BYTE *pbData,
DWORD *pdwDataLen
[in] A handle to the key to be exported.
[in] A handle to a cryptographic key belonging to the destination user. The
key data within the key blob created is encrypted using this key. This ensures
that only the destination user will be able to make use of the key blob.
Most often, this will be the key exchange public key of the destination user.
However, certain protocols require that a session key belonging to the
destination user be used for this purpose.
If the key blob type specified by
dwBlobType is PUBLICKEYBLOB, then this parameter is unused and should be set to zero.
If the key blob specified by dwBlobType is PRIVATEKEYBLOB, then this is
typically a handle to a session key that is to be used to encrypt the key blob. Some
CSPs allow this parameter to be zero, in which case the application should
encrypt the private key blob manually so as to protect it.
[in] The type of key blob to be exported. This must currently be one of the
following constants. These constants are discussed in the section
Exchanging Cryptographic Keys.
[in] The flag values. This parameter is reserved for future use and should
always be zero.
[out] The buffer that the function places the key blob in. The required size
for this buffer can be determined by calling
CryptExportKey with NULL for this parameter.
As a rule, SIMPLEBLOBs will be 256 bytes or less, PUBLICKEYBLOBs will be 1000
bytes or less, and PRIVATEKEYBLOBS will be 5000 bytes or less.
[in/out] The address of the key blob data length. Before calling this
function, the caller should set this parameter to the length, in bytes, of the
pbData buffer. Upon return, this address will contain the number of bytes taken up
by the key blob.
If the buffer specified by
pbData is not large enough to hold the data, the function returns the
ERROR_MORE_DATA error code (through
GetLastError) and stores the required buffer size, in bytes, into the variable pointed to
pbData is NULL, then no error is returned and the function stores the size of the
data, in bytes, in the variable pointed to by
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To retrieve extended error
information, use the
GetLastError function.
The following table lists the error codes most commonly returned by the
GetLastError function. The error codes prefaced by "NTE" are generated by the particular
CSP you are using.
| Description
| One of the parameters specifies an invalid handle.
| One of the parameters contains an invalid value. This is most often an illegal
| The dwFlags parameter is nonzero.
| One or both of the keys specified by hKey and hExpKey are invalid.
| You do not have permission to export the key. That is, when the hKey key was created, the CRYPT_EXPORTABLE flag was not specified.
| The key blob type specified by dwBlobType is PUBLICKEYBLOB, but hExpKey does not contain a public key handle.
| The dwBlobType parameter specifies an unknown blob type.
| The CSP context that was specified when the hKey key was created cannot be found.
| A session key is being exported and the hExpKey parameter does not specify a public key.
#include <wincrypt.h>
HCRYPTPROV hProv; // Handle to CSP
HCRYPTKEY hKey; // Handle to session key
HCRYPTKEY hXchgKey; // Handle to receiver's exchange public key
BYTE *pbKeyBlob = NULL;
DWORD dwBlobLen;
// Determine size of key blob and allocate memory.
if(!CryptExportKey(hKey, hXchgKey, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, NULL, &dwBlobLen)) {
printf("Error %x computing blob length!\n", GetLastError());
if((pbKeyBlob = malloc(dwBlobLen)) == NULL) {
printf("Out of memory!\n");
// Export key into a simple key blob.
if(!CryptExportKey(hKey, hXchgKey, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, pbKeyBlob, &dwBlobLen)) {
printf("Error %x during CryptExportKey!\n", GetLastError());
See Also
- Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
- More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples