Default Tab Control Message Processing

This section describes the message processing performed by a tab control. Messages specific to tab controls are discussed elsewhere and are, therefore, not included here.

Processing performed
Does nothing if the tab control released the mouse capture itself. If another window captured the mouse and a button is held down, the command releases the button.
Allocates and initializes an internal data structure. The control creates a tool tip control if the TCS_TOOLTIPS style is specified.
Frees resources allocated during WM_CREATE processing.
Returns a combination of the DLGC_WANTARROWS and DLGC_WANTCHARS values.
Returns the handle of the font used for labels.
Processes DIRECTION keys and changes the selection, if appropriate.
Invalidates the tab that has the focus, so it will be repainted to reflect an unfocused state.
Forwards the message to the tool tip control, if any, and changes the selection if the user is clicking a tab. If the user is clicking a button, the control redraws the button to give a sunken appearance and captures the mouse.
If the user is clicking either a tab or button and the TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN style is specified, the control sets the focus to itself.
Releases the mouse if a button was pressed. If the cursor is over the button and is being held down, the control changes the selection accordingly and redraws the button.
Forwards the message to the tool tip control, if any. If the TCS_BUTTONS style is specified and the mouse button is being held down after clicking, the control may also redraw the affected button to give it a raised or sunken appearance.
Forwards notification messages sent by the tool tip control.
Draws a border around the display area (unless the TCS_BUTTONS style is specified) and paints any tabs that intersect the invalid rectangle.
For each tab, it draws the body of each tab (or sends a WM_DRAWITEM message to the parent window) and then draws a border around the tab. If the wParam parameter is non-NULL, the control assumes that the value is an HDC and paints using that device context.
Sends an NM_RCLICK notification message to the parent window.
Invalidates the tab that has the focus so that it will be repainted to reflect a focused state.
Sets the font used for labels.
Sets the state of an internal flag that determines whether the control is repainted when items are inserted and deleted, when the font is changed, and so on.
Recalculates the positions of tabs and may invalidate part of the tab control to force repainting of some or all tabs.

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