Device-Dependent Bitmaps
Device-dependent bitmaps are supported only for compatibility with
applications written for Windows versions earlier than 3.0. A developer writing a new
application, or porting an application written for a previous version of Windows to
the Win32 platform, should use DIBs.
DDBs are described by using a single structure, the
BITMAP structure. The members of this structure specify the width and height of a
rectangular region, in pixels; the width of the array that maps entries from the
device palette to pixels; and the device's color format, in terms of color
planes and bits per pixel. An application can retrieve the color format of a device
by calling the
GetDeviceCaps function and specifying the appropriate constants.
There are two types of DDBs: discardable and nondiscardable. A discardable DDB
is a bitmap that Windows discards if the bitmap is not selected into a DC and
if system memory is low. The
CreateDiscardableBitmap function creates discardable bitmaps. The
CreateCompatibleBitmap, and
CreateBitmapIndirect functions create nondiscardable bitmaps.
An application can create a DDB from a DIB by initializing the required
structures and calling the
CreateDIBitmap function. Specifying CBM_INIT in the call to
CreateDIBitmap is equivalent to calling the
CreateCompatibleBitmap function to create a DDB in the format of the device and then calling the
SetDIBits function to translate the DIB bits to the DDB. To determine whether a device
supports the
SetDIBits function, call the
GetDeviceCaps function, specifying RC_DI_BITMAP as the RASTERCAPS flag.
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