Mouse Capture
The system typically posts a mouse message to the window that contains the
cursor hot spot at the time a mouse event occurs. An application can change this
behavior by using the
SetCapture function to route mouse messages to a specific window. The window receives
all mouse messages until the application calls the
ReleaseCapture function or specifies another capture window, or until the user clicks a
window created by another thread.
Whenever the mouse capture changes, Windows sends a
WM_CAPTURECHANGED message to the window that is losing the mouse capture. The
lParam parameter of the message specifies the handle of the window that is gaining
the mouse capture.
Only the foreground window can capture mouse input. When a background window
attempts to capture mouse input, it receives messages only for mouse events that
occur when the cursor hot spot is within the visible portion of the window.
Capturing mouse input is useful if a window must receive all mouse input, even
when the cursor moves outside the window. For example, an application
typically tracks the cursor position after a mouse "button down" event, following the
cursor until a "button up" event occurs. If an application has not captured
mouse input and the user releases the mouse button outside the window, the window
does not receive the button up message.
A thread can use the
GetCapture function to determine whether one of its windows has captured the mouse. If
one of the thread's windows has captured the mouse,
GetCapture retrieves the handle of the window.
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