Open and Save As Dialog Boxes
The Open dialog box lets the user specify the drive, directory, and the name
of a file or set of files to open. You create and display an Open dialog box by
initializing an
OPENFILENAME structure and passing the structure to the
GetOpenFileName function.
The Save As dialog box lets the user specify the drive, directory, and name of
a file to save. You create and display a Save As dialog box by initializing an
OPENFILENAME structure and passing the structure to the
GetSaveFileName function.
Beginning with Windows 95 and Windows NT version 4.0, there is a new version
of the Open and Save As dialog boxes that provides user-interface features that
are similar to the Windows Explorer. However, Win32 continues to support the
old-style Open and Save As dialog boxes for applications that must maintain a
user interface consistent with earlier versions of Windows.
In addition to the difference in appearance, the Explorer-style and old-style
dialog boxes differ in their use of custom templates and hook procedures for
customizing the dialog boxes. However, the Explorer-style and old-style dialog
boxes have the same behavior for most basic operations, such as specifying a
filename filter, validating the user's input, and getting the filename specified by
the user. For more information about the Explorer-style and old-style dialog
boxes, see Open and Save As Customization.The following illustration shows a
typical Explorer-style Open dialog box.
The following illustration shows a typical Explorer-style Save As dialog box.
If the user specifies a filename and clicks the OK button,
GetOpenFileName or
GetSaveFileName returns TRUE. The buffer pointed to by the
lpstrFile member of the
OPENFILENAME structure contains the full path and filename specified by the user.
If the user cancels the Open or Save As dialog box or an error occurs, the
function returns FALSE. To determine the cause of the error, call the
CommDlgExtendedError function to retrieve the extended error value. If the
lpstrFile buffer is too small to receive the full name,
CommDlgExtendedError returns FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL and the first 2 bytes of the buffer pointed to
by the
lpstrFile member are set to an integer value specifying the size required to receive
the full name.
Explorer style dialog boxes are only available to 32-bit applications. 16-bit
applications cannot use thunking to display an Explorer-style dialog box.
Windows 95: 32-bit applications that use the old-style dialog boxes do so using a thunk.
This means that any pointer passed to your hook procedure is a non-persistent
copy of the data. For example, the
OPENFILENAME pointer passed in the WM_INITDIALOG message is not a pointer to the buffer
that you originally specified. If you need to pass private data to your hook
procedure, bundle it in a structure and store a pointer to the structure in the
lCustData member of the
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