Overview |
Group |
Quick Info
Windows NT
| Yes
| Win95
| Yes
| Win32s
| Yes
| Import Library
| -
| Header File
| prsht.h
| Unicode
| No
| Platform Notes
| None
The PSM_APPLY message simulates the choice of the Apply Now button, indicating
that one or more pages have changed and the changes need to be validated and
recorded. The property sheet sends the PSN_KILLACTIVE notification message to
the current page. If the current page returns FALSE, the property sheet sends the
PSN_APPLY notification message to all pages. You can send the PSM_APPLY
message explicitly or by using the
PropSheet_Apply macro.
wParam = 0;
lParam = 0;
Return Values
Returns TRUE if all pages successfully applied the changes or FALSE otherwise.
See Also
- Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
- More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples