The MCI_WINDOW command specifies the window and the window characteristics for graphic devices. Digital-video, and video-overlay devices recognize this command. MCIERROR mciSendCommand(MCIDEVICEID wDeviceID, MCI_WINDOW,DWORD dwFlags, (DWORD) (LPMCI_GENERIC_PARMS) lpWindow);
Parameters wDeviceID Device identifier of the MCI device that is to receive the command message. dwFlags MCI_NOTIFY, MCI_WAIT, or, for digital-video devices, MCI_TEST. For information about these flags, see The Wait, Notify, and Test Flags. lpWindow Address of an MCI_GENERIC_PARMS structure. (Devices with extended command sets might replace this structure with a device-specific structure.) Return Values Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise. Remarks Graphic devices should create a default window when a device is opened but should not display it until they receive the MCI_PLAY command. The MCI_WINDOW command is used to supply an application-created window to the device and to change the display characteristics of an application-defined or default display window. If the application supplies the display window, it should be prepared to update an invalid rectangle on the window. The following additional flags are used with the digitalvideo device type: MCI_DGV_WINDOW_HWND The handle of the window needed for use as the destination is included in the hWnd member of the structure identified by lpWindow. MCI_DGV_WINDOW_STATE The nCmdShow member of the structure identified by lpWindow contains parameters for setting the window state. MCI_DGV_WINDOW_TEXT The lpstrText member of the structure identified by lpWindow contains an address of a buffer containing the caption used in the window title bar. For digital-video devices, the lpWindow parameter points to an MCI_DGV_WINDOW_PARMS structure. The following additional flags are used with the overlay device type: MCI_OVLY_WINDOW_DISABLE_STRETCH Disables stretching of the image. MCI_OVLY_WINDOW_ENABLE_STRETCH Enables stretching of the image. MCI_OVLY_WINDOW_HWND The handle of the window used for the destination is included in the hWnd member of the structure identified by lpWindow. Set this flag to MCI_OVLY_WINDOW_DEFAULT to return to the default window. MCI_OVLY_WINDOW_STATE The nCmdShow member of the lpWindow structure contains parameters for setting the window state. This flag is equivalent to calling ShowWindow with the state parameter. The constants are the same as those defined in WINDOWS.H (such as SW_HIDE, SW_MINIMIZE, or SW_SHOWNORMAL). MCI_OVLY_WINDOW_TEXT The lpstrText member of the structure identified by lpWindow contains an address of a buffer containing the caption used for the window. For video-overlay devices, the lpWindow parameter points to an MCI_OVLY_WINDOW_PARMS structure. See Also MCI_DGV_WINDOW_PARMS, MCI_GENERIC_PARMS, MCI_OVLY_WINDOW_PARMS, MCI_PLAY, ShowWindow
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