Document Overview

This document presents general information about how to develop telephonic applications and offers specific information about the functions, messages, and data types of the Telephony API. The sections include:

  • Telephony Overview describes the Win32 Telephony API and explains how to use it in Win32 applications.

  • The Telephony Programming Model explains the concepts programmers should know before they begin development of telephonic applications. It includes sections that describe the uses of Telephony's device classes, addresses, and other topics.

  • TAPI Applications refers to the source code of a telephonic application (supplied with the Win32 SDK) to illustrate how to create a functional Win32 application.

  • Multiple-Application Programming details what developers need to know when programming more than one application to work together or among other applications.

  • Call States and Events describes the call states through which a call transitions as it is established or disconnected.

  • Supplementary Line Functions describes some of the more advanced functions used to create telephonic applications, including media monitoring, media control, and call conferencing.

  • Line Devices Overview explains the line device class and describes the operations that can be carried out on line devices.

  • Phone Devices Overview describes the phone device class and the functions TAPI provides to use phone devices.

  • Assisted Telephony Overview tells how to add basic telephonic functionality to applications that don't require the flexibility or control provided by the full Telephony API. Readers whose development goals do not include the creation of new applications with a variety of telephonic functions may need to read no further than this section.

  • Device Classes describes device classes, the related physical devices or device drivers through which applications send and receive the information or data that makes up a call.

  • Quick Function Reference lists the functions of TAPI, a brief description of each, and the nature of each result: synchronous or asynchronous.

  • Unicode Support identifies which TAPI functions have Unicode versions and identifies the parameters and structure members that contain Unicode strings. This section also lists functions that do not have Unicode versions.

  • Reference contains detailed information about the line device, phone device and assisted telephony functions, messages, structures and constants.

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