OK, Cancel, and Apply Now Buttons
The OK and Apply Now buttons are similar; both direct a property sheet's pages
to validate and apply the property changes that the user has made. The only
difference is that choosing the OK button causes the property sheet to be
destroyed after the changes are applied, but choosing the Apply Now button does not.
When the user chooses the OK or Apply Now button, the property sheet sends the
PSN_KILLACTIVE notification message to the active page, giving it an opportunity to validate
the user's changes. If the page determines that the changes are valid, it
should call the
SetWindowLong function to set the DWL_MSGRESULT value for the page to FALSE. In this case,
the property sheet sends the
PSN_APPLY notification message to each page, directing them to apply the new properties
to the corresponding item. If the page determines that the user's changes are
not valid, it should set DWL_MSGRESULT to TRUE and display a dialog box
informing the user of the problem. The page remains active until it sets DWL_MSGRESULT
to FALSE in response to a PSN_KILLACTIVE message. An application can use the
PSM_APPLY message to simulate the choice of the Apply Now button.
The Apply Now button is initially disabled when a page becomes active,
indicating that there are not yet any property changes to apply. When the page
receives user input through one of its controls indicating that the user has edited a
property, the page should send the
PSM_CHANGED message to the property sheet. The message causes the property sheet to
enable the Apply Now button. If the user subsequently chooses the Apply Now or
Cancel button, the page should reinitialize its controls and then send the
PSM_UNCHANGED message to disable again the Apply Now button.
Sometimes the Apply Now button causes a page to make a change to a property
sheet, and the change cannot be undone. When this happens, the page should send
PSM_CANCELTOCLOSE message to the property sheet. The message causes the property sheet to
change the text of the OK button to "Close," indicating that the applied changes
cannot be canceled.
Sometimes a page makes a change to the system configuration that requires
Windows to be to restarted or the system rebooted before the change can take
effect. After making such a change, a page should send either the
PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM message to the property sheet. These messages cause the
PropertySheet function to return the ID_PSRESTARTWINDOWS or ID_PSREBOOTSYSTEM value after
the property sheet is destroyed.
The property sheet sends the the
PSN_RESET notification message to all pages when the user chooses the Cancel button,
indicating that the property sheet is about to be destroyed. A page should use
the notification to perform cleanup operations.
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