Transactions on Named Pipes
A named pipe transaction is a client-server communication that combines a
write operation and a read operation into a single network operation. A transaction
can be used only on a duplex, message-type pipe. Transactions improve the
performance of network communications between a client and a remote server.
Processes can use the
TransactNamedPipe and
CallNamedPipe functions to perform named pipe transactions.
TransactNamedPipe is typically used by a client process to write a request message to the named
pipe server and read the server's response message. The client process must
specify GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE access when it opens its pipe handle by
calling the
CreateFile function. Then, the client process sets the pipe handle to message-read mode
by calling the
SetNamedPipeHandleState function. If the read buffer specified in the call to
TransactNamedPipe is not large enough to hold the entire message written by the server, the
function returns FALSE and
GetLastError returns ERROR_MORE_DATA. The client can read the remainder of the message by
calling either the
ReadFileEx, or
PeekNamedPipe function.
TransactNamedPipe is typically called by client processes, but can also be used by a server
The following example shows a client process using
TransactNamedPipe. The example assumes that the client process has used
CreateFile to connect to the pipe and
SetNamedPipeHandleState to set the pipe handle's read mode, as shown in the client process example in
the preceding section.
fSuccess = TransactNamedPipe(
hPipe, // pipe handle
lpszWrite, // message to server
strlen(lpszWrite)+1, // message length
chReadBuf, // buffer to receive reply
512, // size of read buffer
&cbRead, // number of bytes read
NULL); // not overlapped
// Exit if an error occurs, unless the error indicates there is more
// data in the message.
if (!fSuccess && (GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA))
// Data from the pipe is written to STDOUT.
if (! WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),
chReadBuf, cbRead, &cbWritten, NULL) )
// Break if TransactNamedPipe or ReadFile is successful.
if (fSuccess)
// Read from the pipe if there is more data in the message.
fSuccess = ReadFile(
hPipe, // pipe handle
chReadBuf, // buffer to receive reply
512, // size of buffer
&cbRead, // number of bytes read
NULL); // not overlapped
// Exit if an error other than ERROR_MORE_DATA occurs.
if (! fSuccess && (GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA))
A client process uses
CallNamedPipe to combine calling the
WaitNamedPipe (if necessary),
TransactNamedPipe, and
CloseHandle function into a single call. Because the pipe handle is closed before the
function returns, any additional bytes in the message are lost if the message is
larger than the specified size of the read buffer. The following example shows
the use of
// Combines connect, wait, write, read, and close operations.
fSuccess = CallNamedPipe(
lpszPipename, // pipe name
lpszWrite, // message to server
strlen(lpszWrite)+1, // message length
chReadBuf, // buffer to receive reply
512, // size of read buffer
&cbRead, // number of bytes read
20000); // waits for 20 seconds
if (fSuccess || GetLastError() == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
// Data from the pipe is written to STDOUT.
chReadBuf, cbRead, &cbWritten, NULL);
// The pipe is closed, so no more bytes can be read from the
// message.
if (! fSuccess)
printf("\n...extra data in message was lost\n");
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