Specifies new values for the binding parameters stored in the bind context.
Subsequent binding operations can call
IBindCtx::GetBindOptions to retrieve the parameters.
HRESULT SetBindOptions(
BIND_OPTS *pbindopts
| //Pointer to a BIND_OPTS structure
[in] Points to a
BIND_OPTS structure containing the binding parameters. For more information on the
BIND_OPTS structure, see the "Data Structures" section.
Return Values
The parameters were stored successfully.
Indicates insufficient memory.
A bind context contains a block of parameters, stored in a
BIND_OPTS structure, that are common to most
IMoniker operations and that do not change as the operation moves from piece to piece
of a composite moniker.
Notes to Callers
This method can be called by moniker clients, that is, those who use monikers
to acquire interface pointers to objects.
When you first create a bind context using the
CreateBindCtx API function, the fields of the
BIND_OPTS structure are initialized to the following values:
cbStruct = sizeof(BINDOPTS);
grfFlags = 0;
dwTickCountDeadline = 0;
You can use the
IBindCtx::SetBindOptions method to modify these values before using the bind context, if you want
values other than the defaults. See
BIND_OPTS for more information.
See Also
- Software for developers
Delphi Components
.Net Components
Software for Android Developers
- More information resources
Unix Manual Pages
Delphi Examples