The BIND_OPTS structure contains parameters used during a moniker binding operation. A BIND_OPTS structure is stored in a bind context; the same bind context is used by each component of a composite moniker during binding, allowing the same parameters to be passed to all components of a composite moniker. See IBindCtx for more information about bind contexts.

If you're a moniker client (that is, you use a moniker to acquire an interface pointer to an object), you typically do not need to specify values for the fields of this structure. The CreateBindCtx API function creates a bind context with the bind options set to default values that are suitable for most situations; the BindMoniker API function does the same thing when creating a bind context for use in binding a moniker. If you want to modify the values of these bind options, you can do so by passing a BIND_OPTS structure to the IBindCtx::SetBindOptions method. Moniker implementors can pass a BIND_OPTS structure to the IBindCtx::GetBindOptions method to retrieve the values of these bind options.

The BIND_OPTS structure is defined in OBJIDL.IDL.

typedef struct tagBIND_OPTS
DWORD cbStruct;
DWORD grfFlags;
DWORD grfMode;
DWORD dwTickCountDeadline;



Specifies the size of this structure in bytes (that is, the size of the BIND_OPTS structure).


Specifies flags that control aspects of moniker binding operations. This value is any combination of the bit flags in the BINDFLAGS enumeration. New values may be defined in the future, so moniker implementations should ignore any bits in this field that they do not understand. The CreateBindCtx API function initializes this field to zero.


Specifies flags that should be used when opening the file that contains the object identified by the moniker. The values are taken from the STGM enumeration. The binding operation uses these flags in the call to IPersistFile::Load when loading the file. If the object is already running, these flags are ignored by the binding operation. The CreateBindCtx API function initializes this field to STGM_READWRITE.


Specifies the clock time (in milliseconds, as returned by the GetTickCount API function) by which the caller would like the binding operation to be completed. This member lets the caller limit the execution time of an operation when speed is of primary importance. A value of zero indicates that there is no deadline. Callers most often use this capability when calling the IMoniker::GetTimeOfLastChange method, though it can be usefully applied to other operations as well. The CreateBindCtx API function initializes this field to zero.

Typical deadlines allow for a few hundred milliseconds of execution. This deadline is a recommendation, not a requirement; however, operations that exceed their deadline by a large amount may cause delays for the end user. Each moniker implementation should try to complete its operation by the deadline, or fail with the error MK_E_EXCEEDEDDEADLINE.

If a binding operation exceeds its deadline because one or more objects that it needs are not running, the moniker implementation should register the objects responsible in the bind context using the IBindCtx::RegisterObjectParam. The objects should be registered under the parameter names "ExceededDeadline", "ExceededDeadline1", "ExceededDeadline2", and so on. If the caller later finds the object in the Running Object Table, the caller can retry the binding operation.

The GetTickCount API function indicates the number of milliseconds since system startup, and wraps back to zero after 2^31 milliseconds. Consequently, callers should be careful not to inadvertently pass a zero value (which indicates no deadline), and moniker implementations should be aware of clock wrapping problems (see the GetTickCount API function for more information).

See Also

BIND_FLAGS, CreateBindCtx, IBindCtx::SetBindOptions

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