A - Index

A Sample Pen Application, A Sample Recognizer, ABSTIME, Accessing the Pen API from Applications, Acknowledgments, action handle, Action Handles, Action Handles, Adding Data to an HRC Object, AddInksetInterval, AddPenDataHRC, AddPenInputHRC, AddPenInputHRC, AddPointsPenData, AddWordsHWL, ALC_ Alphabet Codes, ALC_Alphabet Codes, Allocating Processing Time, Alphabet Priority, Alphabet, ANIMATEINFO, AnimateProc, Annotation, Appendix Accessing the Pen Device Driver, Appendix Differences Between Versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the Pen Application Programming Interface, Appendix Modifying the SYSTEM.INI File, Appendix Using the 32-Bit Pen Application Programming Interface, Appendix A Differences Between Versions 1.x and 2.0 of the Pen Application Programming Interface, Appendix B Using the 32-Bit Pen Application Programming Interface, Architecture of the Pen API, Architecture of the Pen API, AtomicVirtualEvent

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