O - Index

Object Attributes and Interfaces, Object Command-Line Arguments, Object Duplication, Object Inheritance, Object Linking and Embedding, Object Names, Object Working Directory, ObjectCloseAuditAlarm, ObjectDeleteAuditAlarm, ObjectOpenAuditAlarm, ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm, Objects Object, Obsolete Functions, Obsolete Information Fields, Obsolete Programming Elements, Obsolete Unicode Functions, Obtaining a Private Display Device Context, Obtaining Additional Process Information, Obtaining the Hash Value, Obtaining the Size of a Compressed File, OEM Code Page Identifiers, OemKeyScan, OemToAnsi, OemToAnsiBuff, OemToChar, OemToCharBuff, OffsetClipRgn, OffsetRect, OffsetRgn, OffsetViewportOrgEx, OffsetWindowOrgEx, OFNHookProc, OFNHookProcOldStyle, OFNOTIFY, OFSTRUCT, OK, Cancel, and Apply Now Buttons, Old Menu Template Format, Open and Save As Dialog Box Customization, Open and Save As Dialog Boxes, OpenBackupEventLog, OpenClipboard, OpenDesktop, OpenEvent, OpenEventLog, OpenFile, OpenFileMapping, OPENFILENAME, OpenIcon, Opening a File, Opening a Rooted Explorer, Opening an Enhanced Metafile and Displaying Its Contents, Opening an SCManager Database, Opening and Displaying a .BMP File, Opening, Creating, and Closing Keys, OpenInputDesktop, OpenMutex, OpenPrinter, OpenProcess, OpenProcessToken, OpenSCManager, OpenSemaphore, OpenService, OpenThreadToken, OpenWaitableTimer, OpenWindowStation, Operations on Graphic Objects, ORASADFunc, Organization of the Win32 Programmer's Reference, OSVERSIONINFO, Other Connection Information, Other Drag and Drop Considerations, Outline of CryptoAPI Registry Usage, Outlined and Filled Paths, OUTLINETEXTMETRIC, OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO, OutputDebugString, OutputProc, Overlapped Operations, Overlapped Window, OVERLAPPED, Overlay Mask, Overview of Cryptography, Overview of the Sample Protocol, Overview, Owned Windows, Owner Window, Owner-Display Format, Owner-Drawn Buttons, Owner-Drawn Combo Boxes, Owner-Drawn Header Controls, Owner-Drawn Menu Items, Owner-Drawn Menus and the WM_DRAWITEM Message, Owner-Drawn Menus and the WM_MEASUREITEM Message, Owner-Drawn Status Windows, Owner-Drawn Tabs, Owner-Drawn

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